23409 Jeffeson ave, suite 104
st clair shores mi 48080
(586) 200.6404
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Whether you are being sued or harassed by a company claiming to now own a long forgotten debt, injured through the wrongful acts of someone else, or facing criminal prosecution, we are here to fight for you. The O’Mara Law Firm is dedicated to helping and providing justice to everyday people.  We understand how daunting and difficult times have been, your legal matter likely only adds worry and stress. Let us help you.

Criminal Defense

If you are charged with a felony or a misdemeanor and you need an attorney.   We are dedicated to ensuring that you get the best possible outcome.

Personal Injury

Injured by negligence or wrongful acts of another person or entity.  Please contact us today.

Debt Collection Harassment

We specialize in suing debt collectors and ‘debt buyers’ for their all too often violations of State and Federal Law.

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